
Foxye Brown Speak

Vision: That each person will learn to transform their trauma into wellness.

Mission: To facilitate the understanding that the relationship one has with their past traumas affects their current life.

About: I Speak Foxye was created in 2017 to provide a safe place for individuals to speak about the experiences of sexual assault, interpersonal (domestic) violence, and mental abuse. We create events for adults and youth to explore tools such as art, socializing, knowledge, mindfulness, and being in Nature for the purpose of growing toward wellness after trauma.

Our founder, Foxye Brown Jackson, also speaks publicly to raise awareness and increase knowledge for the purpose of enhancing the current measures taken to help people enter the process of healing from traumatic events.

27 Years


Sexual Assault Nurse


Best Selling


What does I Speak Foxye do and who do we help?

I Speak Foxye educates the public on sexual assault awareness and prevention, domestic and interpersonal violence, and mental abuse. The reason all these are included in the primary focus of sexual assault is because sexual assault happens between family members, intimate partners, and strangers. Their audience is all persons, of all ages, who have had or have the potential to have one of these experiences. The goal is to engage the public in healing from these traumas by learning to transform them into wellness. 

What does I Speak Foxye mean by “transforming trauma into wellness?”

Wellness is achieved by taking a holistic approach to life in the following areas of life: “emotional, occupational, physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual” (National Wellness Institute, 2020). Trauma can affect each of these areas whether the person deems what happened was a trauma. Sexual assault impacts all of these areas. Transforming trauma into wellness is engaging in an ongoing process that has a goal of learning to maintain a state of wellness in spite of the trauma. I Speak Foxye helps the individual facilitate this process for themselves. 

National Wellness Institute. (2020). Six dimensions of wellness. https://nationalwellness.org/resources/six-dimensions-of-wellness/

What is sexual assault?

Essentially, sexual assault happens when violence is acted out in a sexual manner in the absence of consent. That violence can include or not include physical contact, meaning it can be anything from sexual penetration to unsolicited sexual pictures. The key is consent. Was the person of a legal age to consent? Did the person have the cognitive ability to give consent? Was the person free of drugs of alcohol when the consent was obtained? Unfortunately, the legal definition of sexual assault varies in different states. However, the impacts occur regardless of the legal definition.

How can you help us?

A huge part of our actions involves getting the information out and spreading our vision. We would love to be involved in your community activities surrounding awareness, prevention, and healing from sexual assault, interpersonal violence, and mental abuse. 

Additionally, we are known for providing resources to the public. If you know of community resources for sexual assault, interpersonal violence, or mental abuse, that are not on our resource list, please email them to us so we can add them. 

In the area of donations, we would appreciate all forms. Depending on the event, we may need volunteers; arts and crafts supplies; gifts for attendees; toiletries, socks, and blankets for the homeless; and financial contributions. 

If you have a question about something you would like to donate, please freely contact us. 

What location does I Speak Foxye serve?

Our founder often says, “wherever my feet land, that is where I am from.” Therefore, although we are primarily located in Texas and Florida, we have an international reach with our message. 

What is in it for you?

If you have never had the experience of sexual assault, you may have heard of a friend or family member’s story. You may have watched a documentary, or someone sharing their story and empathized with their feelings of shame, sadness, and anxiety. Statistically, the Centers for Disease Control stated, “more than 1 in 3 women…and more than 1 in 4 men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact over [their] lifetime,” and that is only the reported ones (2021b, Facts About Sexual Violence). This means that for every 4 people you encounter, at least one potentially has experienced sexual violence.

The effects of the unhealed trauma of sexual violence in childhood affects everyone in every community. It may manifest as many of the common diseases known to our society (e.g., high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and cancers), as noted in the report on Adverse Childhood Experiences (Centers for Disease Control, 2021a). It may also manifest as the friend who is frequently ill, an overachiever, a workaholic, a perfection, paranoid, anxious, introverted, extroverted, the “life of the party,” and many more. It may also be a secret held dear by a grandparent, aunt, uncle, mother, father, cousins. Though these secrets exist, these people are still trying to function in the workplace, in the home, in society at large. Therefore, understanding the effects of trauma is imperative for every person in every role, including first responders, law enforcements, medical staff, teachers, attorneys, managers, co-workers, college professors, everyone.

Centers for Disease Control. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/index.html

Centers for Disease Control. (2021). Sexual violence is preventable: Facts about sexual assault. https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/sexual-violence/index.html

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